Annual reporting workshop of Chalmers AI research centre
Over the last eight months, I have been working together with many colleagues in the Information and Communication Technology Area of Advance at Chalmers on...
Fourth part of my series of posts about the design of URLLC through finite-blocklength information theory: the metaconverse theorem.
Third part of my series of posts about the design of URLLC through finite-blocklength information theory: the random-coding union bound with parameter s.
Second part of my series of posts about the design of URLLC through finite-blocklength information theory: the binary-input AWGN channel and its fundamental ...
An updated version of these notes can be found here
I’ve just got hold of a new Mac laptop to replace my previous one, which has started showing signs of aging. I thought it could be useful for the PhD student...
Welcome to my new website–now hosted by github. I decided also to start a blog to help me summarizing regularly what I have been learning. This is the first ...
The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research has granted a new project to our group
Our funding proposal on information-theoretic generalization bounds for learning and metalearning has been approved
The Swedish Research Council has approved a new research project in our group
My PhD student Oguz Kislal successfully defended his PhD thesis
My PhD student Fredrik Hellström successfully defended his PhD thesis
Two papers from our team at NeurIPS 2022 on information-theoretic generalization bounds
Joint detection and decoding for short-packet transmission
4 papers at this year’s Asilomar conference from our team
Members of our group will present three papers at this year IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory
We have just uploaded the matlab code to reproduce the results reported in two recently published papers
A general approach to derive bounds on the generalization error of randomized learning algorithms—to appear in the Journal on Selected Areas in Information T...
How should one design a massive MIMO system so that it can support URLLC? In a recent article, we provide guidelines based on nonasymptotic information theory
A survey of good coding schemes for the transmission of short packets
Interview on massive machine-type communications for the Cognitive Networks Technical Committee Newsletter
The following two papers will soon appear in the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory:
R. Devassy, G. Durisi, G. C. Ferrante, O. Simeone, and E. Uysal-Biyikoglu, “Reliable transmission of short packets through queues and noisy channels under la...
W. Yang, A. Collins, G. Durisi, Y. Polyanskiy, and H. V. Poor, “Beta-beta bounds: Finite-blocklength analog of the golden formula,” IEEE Tran. Inf. Theory, 2...
R. Devassy, G. Durisi, G. C. Ferrante, O. Simeone, and E. Uysal-Biyikoglu, “Delay and peak-age violation probability in short-packet transmission,” in Proc. ...
Slides of our Globecom tutorial—short-packets communications: fundamentals and practical coding schemes
Finite-blocklength information theory is an indispensable toolbox for the design of short-packet communication systems. In an invited presentation at this ye...
Presentation at the TUM-COM workshop on URLLC communications
I am looking for 2 postdoctoral researchers and 1 PhD student who would like to join my team
A new research project in our team sponsored by WASP
A new research project in our team sponsored by VR
funding application and paper accepted; a phd defense!
2 papers accepted, new members in the team
7 papers (accepted + submitted), post-doc vacancy
4 papers (URLLC, implementation of distributed MIMO, privacy), updated monograph, master program, vacancies
A new 6G connectivity paper
3 papers (massive random access, age of information, energy harvesting), monograph on information-theoretic generalization bounds in ML, 2 new team members
1 paper (quantized massive MIMO), 1 new team member, invited talk at LSIT
6 papers (URLLC, massive random access, age of information), PhD defense, 1 new team member, vacancies, invited talk
Two postdoctoral researchers in our team received prestigious individual fellowships
Invited talk on short packets over massive random-access channels at the 2023 London Symposium on Information Theory
Plenary talk at the 2021 Information Theory Workshop
Since April 2023, I have assumed the role of director of Chalmers Master Program in Information and Communication Technology (MPICT), and now it is time agai...
I am looking for a PhD student and a Post-doctoral researcher to join my team
Fredrik Hellström has joined our team as new Ph.D. student