2024-Q3: team updates


During this quarter, the following papers from my team have been accepted for publication:

  • A. E. Kalør, G. Durisi, S. Coleri, S. Parkvall, W. Yu, A. Mueller, and P. Popovski, “Wireless 6G connectivity for massive number of devices and critical services,” Proc. IEEE, 2024, to appear, []

  • A. O. Kislal, M. Rajiv, G. Durisi, E. G. Ström, and U. Mitra, “Is synchronization a bottleneck for pilot-assisted URLLC links?,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., 2024, to appear, []

Team Members

  • Dr. Khac-Hoang Ngo, who has been a postdoctoral researcher with our team over the last few years, has Linköping University as assistant professor, in Sweden. Congratulations, Hoang!

  • In a fair exchange, Dr. Unnikrishnan Kunnath Ganesan has joined the team as postdoctoral researcher from Linköping University, where he got his PhD degree. He will work on machine learning over wireless communication networks

  • Bingcheng Chen has joined the team as PhD student. He got his master degree from Chalmers. Prof. Christian Häger will serve as main supervisor, whereas I will serve as co-supervisor. Bingcheng will work on data-driven methods to improve wireless communications.


During this quarter, I have been teaching two courses at Chalmers:

  • MVE137: Probability and statistical learning using Python
  • EEN100: Statistics and machine learning in high dimensions

In spite of its theoretical nature, the second course has registered a record high number of participants (49)
