2024-Q1: team updates


During this quarter, the following papers from my team have been accepted for publication:

  • A. O. Kislal, M. Rajiv, G. Durisi, E. G. Ström, and U. Mitra, “Pilot-assisted URLLC links: Impact of synchronization error,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Commun. (ICC), June 2024. [arXiv (journal extension)].

  • L. Aabel, S. Jacobsson, M. Coldrey, F. Olofsson, G. Durisi, and C. Fager, “A TDD distributed MIMO testbed using a 1-bit radio-over-fiber fronthaul architecture,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., 2024, to appear, [arXiv].

Furthermore, we have submitted for publication the following papers:

  • A. O. Kislal, M. Rajiv, G. Durisi, E. G. Ström, and U. Mitra, “Is synchronization a bottleneck for pilot-assisted URLLC links?,” Jan. 2024. [arXiv].

  • K.-H. Ngo, J. Östman, G. Durisi, and A. Graell i Amat, “Secure aggregation is not private against membership inference attacks,” Mar. 2024. [arXiv].

We have also uploaded a revised version of our monograph on information-theoretic generalization bounds. Many thanks to all of you who have read the previous version and identified typos and omissions. We hope to have addressed most of them.

  • F. Hellström, G. Durisi, B. Guedj, and M. Raginsky, “Generalization Bounds: Perspectives from Information Theory and PAC-Bayes,” Mar. 2024. [arXiv]

Team members

  • We currently have many openings in our department at both PhD and post-doctoral levels. Please have a look at Chalmers vacancy website (select vacancies at the Department of Electrical Engineering) for more information. I will also announce soon a post-doctoral position and a PhD position in my team.

  • The call for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships will open on April 23, 2024. If you are interested in applying for this fellowship to join my team, please get in touch.


  • If you are a Chalmers or international bachelor student looking for a master program, please check this webpage about our master program in Information and Communication Technology. A recorded version of a short presentation I gave to Chalmers bachelor students at the beginning of March is available here.

The slides are available here.
